How to Keep Exotic Birds Warm During Winter

As the temperatures continue to drop, you may be feeling anxious about keeping your exotic birds comfortable and safe during the winter months. Nothing is worse than realizing that your feathered family members are cold and don’t have a sufficient way to stay warm! Fret not – there are many ways in which you can keep them safely snug this upcoming chilly season. Whether it’s protective coops, proper nutrition, or suitable heating options, we’ve compiled our favorite tips to ensure that your beloved birds survive and thrive despite the cold winter temperatures ahead! Read on to learn more…

15 Best ways to keep Your Exotic Birds Warm During Winter

1. Invest in Protective Coops

Make sure your birds are sheltered from the elements of winter with a strong and durable coop that can protect them from the cold and other dangers. Look for high-quality, weatherproof options that will keep your feathered family warm and safe.

2. Insulate the Coop

Your birds from extreme temperatures by insulating their coop. This will help maintain a consistent, comfortable climate for them and keep them toasty during even the coldest winter days.

3. Provide Plenty of Bedding

Use extra bedding in the coops to help trap heat and make bird’s nests cozier. Soft, fleecy materials like cotton or wool are good choices as they will help insulate the space.

4. Place Heating Lamps in Coops

If your coop does not have adequate insulation and the temperatures dip too low, consider placing heating lamps inside their cages to keep them warm on chilly days.

5. Use Electric Blankets

If you have larger birds, or if the temperatures drop to dangerously low levels, use electric blankets or heating pads to keep them warm and comfortable.

6. Provide Proper Nutrition

A balanced diet of fresh fruits and vegetables is essential for your feathered family during winter months as it will help them stay healthy and stronger against cold temperatures.

Also read: Best & Healthy Food you can feed your Bird

7. Keep Water Bowls from Freezing

Make sure their water bowls are not freezing over by swapping out their water regularly throughout the day or consider getting an aquarium heater that can be placed inside their cage to keep the bowl of water at a steady temperature.

8. Supply Extra Vitamin C

To enhance an exotic bird’s natural ability to resist cold weather, consider adding extra vitamin C to its diet. This will help them stay warm and healthy during the winter months.

9. Offer Hot Drinks

If your bird is feeling a bit chilly, offer them some hot tea or warm water with honey as a tasty treat that can help keep them comfortable while they wait out the cold winter days.

10. Hang Winter Toys in Coops

Providing stimulating activities for your birds during winter is important to keep their minds active and prevent boredom – hanging fun winter toys such as wood blocks or paper-mâché balls inside the coop will give them something to do on those chilly days indoors.

11. Set up an Indoor Play Area

Provide an indoor play area for your birds so they can get away from the cold and stretch their wings. Place lots of stimulating toys and other items to keep them entertained while you are taking a break from outdoor activities.

12. Use Rain Shields

If it’s raining or snowing, use canopy shields to protect your birds from the elements while they are outside of their coops.

13. Provide Warm Baths

Offer warm baths for your feathered friends as regular bathing is important for keeping their feathers clean – but make sure the water temperature isn’t too hot!

14. Consider Moving Inside

If you live in an area with extreme temperatures, consider moving your exotic birds inside if possible. A spare room or heated basement is perfect for this purpose, as long as it is out of the way from other pets or family members.

15. Check on Your Birds Regularly

Monitor your birds’ health regularly during winter months and watch for any signs of distress that could indicate illness or cold weather discomfort.


Keeping your exotic birds warm and safe during the winter months requires a bit of extra effort and attention. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to making sure that your feathered friends stay happy and healthy even when temperatures start to dip. With the right kind of care, they’ll thrive no matter what the weather brings. By following these simple steps, you can ensure your exotic birds have a cozy home in their coop as well as outdoor activities that will keep them entertained throughout the cold winter months. Remember, providing a safe environment for them is key to keeping them comfortable and healthy all year round. So don’t forget to check on them often and give them some extra love and care to make sure they’re happy and warm even during the coldest days of winter.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I keep my exotic birds warm during winter?

Provide proper shelter and insulation, make sure they have access to plenty of food and fresh water, provide extra vitamin C, offer hot drinks and hang stimulating toys in the coop. Additionally, set up an indoor play area for your birds, use rain shields if it’s raining or snowing and consider moving them inside if temperatures drop too low.

What should I feed my exotic birds during winter?

During winter months, a balanced diet of fresh fruits and vegetables is essential for your feathered family as it will help them stay healthy and stronger against cold temperatures. Consider adding extra vitamin C to their diet as well to help them resist cold weather.

What temperature should I keep my birds’ coop at?

The optimal temperature range for most exotic birds is between 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit (18-26 degrees Celsius). If the temperature drops too low, consider moving them inside and providing extra heat sources such as heat lamps or a heated blanket to keep them warm.

Are there any toys I should provide during winter months?

Providing stimulating activities for your birds during winter is important to keep their minds active and prevent boredom – hanging fun winter toys such as wood blocks or paper-mâché balls inside the coop will give them something to do while they’re stuck indoors. Additionally, set up an indoor play area with plenty of items to keep them entertained while you take a break from outdoor activities.

How often should I monitor my birds during winter?

You should check on your feathered friends regularly during cold months and watch for any signs of distress that could indicate illness or discomfort due to the cold weather. Keeping an eye on their health is important for making sure they stay happy and healthy throughout winter!

Picture of Dr. Nouman Tahir

Dr. Nouman Tahir

Dr. Nouman T. is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) with years of experience in pet health, behaviour and training fields. He has worked as a freelance veterinary writer and has given services at various veterinary clinics and hospitals. Dr. Nouman's work revolves around making sure that pets across the globe receive the best possible healthcare. He firmly believes that proper education about pet care can help reduce the number of animals suffering from preventable diseases.